Happy Holidays Unionists!
As we enter the Christmas period, as much as it is a time for celebration, it is a difficult time for others in the work force.
With this in mind, Unions NT, CSPSU NT and Paws Darwin coordinated a morning tea at Territory Families.
All the staff in attendance had a wonderful time and recommended we return.
A special mention to the Northern Territory Trades and labour Council Pupper division:
- Katie
- Ricky
- Peggy
Below is them in action, all the four-legged officials were provided with an adequate amount of treats and pats in line with a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.
further, while having a positive impact on staff mental health and well-being, Paws were also provided with donations to continue their efforts.
Another key potential from such events is the increase in density in workplaces through positive and memorable engagements with staff.
If you believe your workplace could benefit from a morning tea with the Pupper division, please don’t hesitate to contact Unions NT.
In Solidarity,
Unions NT