Dear Unionists,
Migrant workers are some of the most vulnerable workers in our workforce!
This community faces insecure employment arrangements, language and cultural barriers, discrimination, and sometimes precarious visa arrangements.
Unions NT came down on the 24/11/20 to the Multicultural Council NT centre to hold our industrial seminar to provide attendees the best weapon a worker can hold, knowledge of their rights!
The key areas of focus with the vulnerable workers were to provide industrial knowledge preventing them from exploitation. These areas included :
– Understanding of workplace documents, I.E payslips, awards, and EBA’s.
– Avenues for assistance in relation to workplace issues
-Unionism and our role in employment.
-Superannuation – introducing the function of superannuation and the need for a secure retirement
– General rights and protections afforded to workers in Australia
We were also very clear in saying the struggles faced by the migrant community are union struggles too!
In Solidarity,
Unions NT