International Women’s Day
Unions NT will be celebrating International Women’s Day this year by attending the March on 04/03/23. We will also be holding an activities night for Women in the Union movement.

NT Young Workers Centre Launch
Unions NT is excited to announce the launch of the Northern Territory’s first Young Workers Centre on Friday 4 November. The Centre will operate as a regular drop-in service to…

2022 Golden Gavel Competition
The Golden Gavel Competition is a public speaking competition for young lawyers and law students. At this year’s event, the Unions were represented by three young union members who…

Bangladesh Association Dance and Music Festival
Unions NT had a fantastic time chatting with people at the Bangladesh Association NT’s Festival of Dance and Music!

Public Sector Day of Action 2022
Hundreds of NT Public Sector employees flocked to the streets to stand against the Government’s dodgy wages policy.

Corrections Officer’s Industrial Action
NT Corrections Officer’s took protected action by walking off the job to protest poor working conditions.

Pride Week 2022
Pride Week 2022 was incredible! Make sure you support NT Pride’s fantastic events.